Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Al Dager and Media Spotlight

I am so glad that Al Dager, publisher of Media Spotlight (http://www.mediaspotlight.org), is on the mend. Like my own father, Al recently had heart trouble, but while my father's artery was able to be opened without open-heart surgery, Al did have to go through that procedure.

Al is an amazing disciple of Jesus. Since 1977 his writings have been blessing those who are hungry for truth. It's not that Al is always right--who is?--it's that his heart is for the Lord, and he is unafraid to have an understanding of Scripture that runs contrary to popular teaching if need be. Ryan and I found Media Spotlight at a time when we really needed to know that there were people out there who were interested in following the teachings of the Bible, who were serious about their walks with the Lord, and who were willing to draw boundary lines between good and evil, exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11).

Thank you, Al, for all you do for the Lord. I am thankful you are still here to edify and encourage us.

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