Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ernest and Bread for Life

Above you'll find a picture of one of our dearest friends and brothers in the Lord: Ernest Ehabe. Ryan spent three weeks in Cameroon and Nigeria with Ernest before we married in 2000. Ernest's ministry, Bread for Life, is linked on my sidebar, and I urge you to check it out (not just because my husband did the programming for the site a few years ago!).

Ernest's calling is two-fold: he divides his time between the US, where he disciples and encourages international (primarily African) students, and Cameroon, West Africa, where he is involved in numerous endeavors to share the gospel while meeting the very great physical and social needs of the wonderful people there.

Through the hand of our Almighty God, with a total budget of less than $80,000 last year, Bread for Life helped plant nine churches, held much needed medical outreaches (in the course of which every patient personally heard the gospel), and founded a school that not only educates the local children but provides a meal that for many of them is the only one they'll have that day.

It has been a tremendous blessing for us to know that every penny given to BFL is so well used--American dollars go so far in Cameroon. What an opportunity we have to minister to our brothers and sisters in need!
