Monday, June 06, 2005

Putting First Things First

Holly at Threefold Cord (an excellent blog, by the way) shares her thoughts about Christians and the internet. Check out her probing, questioning post and others' insightful comments.

Now, I know this is one of those topics that seems to be constantly cycled anywhere where Christians congregate on the internet (message boards, blogs)--and I think it should be. We should regularly evaluate how we spend our time, where we are in our relationship with the Lord, and whether anything is vying for time and attention that should be reserved for Him alone. The latter is an especially hard one, in my opinion, because things done "for Him" can be distractions, or even idols, in disguise. Or so I have found it.

I have seen several brothers and sisters struggle with the time they spend on blogs or message boards. Is it worth it? Is God in it?

As I told Holly at her blog, I don't think this is one of those yes/no, either/or questions; the internet is not demonic or angelic. It's a medium. But in our own lives, we must each--on an ongoing basis--keep ourselves in check, putting first things first. Holly writes,

"There are times I amazed at the capacity and potential for good to be accomplished by the community of Christians who are involved in some avenue (website, blogging, ministries, give and take forums, etc.)on the internet. Never in the history of man has the possibility for the immediate spread of the gospel been so achievable, so easy. Never has there been such a community that transcends barriers. Never have the different groups and denominations been able to converse, to enter each other's worlds. Never before have we had THIS capacity for some to teach, for others to learn, to grow, to encourage, to fellowship.

On the other hand, I am left to wonder what God must think? Does He see our technology as a potential tool for great and mighty things, but one that we have made into something akin to the Tower of Babel?"

My friend Kim recently axed her blog, and now has what we're calling a What's New Non-Blog for those who love and want to keep up with her. For some (ex)bloggers, that's the solution: to unplug, or to refashion the communication into something less interactive and less apt to invite or stir controversy. I understand this. It has been a necessary change for me to realize that I don't HAVE to post every day! There are no rules like that with blogging. It's not an assignment, it's just sharing thoughts and building relationships. But there's one Relationship that matters more than all the others, that must not suffer.

I was telling Meg, who apologized for not writing regularly, that I have had to step back and realize that no one puts pressure on me regarding this blog but ME. It started out as fun, and as a way to share my thoughts, and it should stay that way.

I know this type of cathartic meta-post annoys some readers...but I see it as, perhaps, a necessary part of blogging. Most of us check, interact with, or post to blogs every day. A little rumination--and spiritual housekeeping--must be in order for all of us at regular intervals.
