Thursday, May 12, 2005

One More Thing!

...And then I am really, really going to bed.

You've got to check out the conversation going on at Alice's great new blog, Evangelical Update. It's new, so you don't have to scroll down too far to check out the first post and see what she's up to.

Alice, whom you may remember as Not Crunchy (I first met her around this time), is not a Christian, but by a wild series of events, most of her blogging friends are. In an attempt to better understand these fascinating creatures called "Conservative Christians," Alice birthed Evangelical Update. Non-Christians and Christians are participating in conversations about topics ranging from feminism to homeschooling to gay marriage, but unlike most "debates" you see where things turn ugly really quickly, at Alice's blog there's a real attempt--by everyone involved, I think--to respectfully communicate. It makes all the difference.
