Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Peeps

Now, I can guarantee you that this will be a series. Lord willing. :)

I've been adding to my blogroll for a while, and it's slowly dawning on me that everyone doesn't know each other. I am the kind of person who assumes that people know how to get to my house if I am having a party (what? you need directions?), or that you've met my Aunt Betty, even if you haven't known me that long.

From time to time, then, I will be highlighting someone on my blogroll, just so you know more about them. I'll try to include a fun detail or a link to a representative or favorite post of theirs.

My first victim buddy I'll highlight is Rachel from Newness of Life. I'll admit to you right now that although I met Rachel probably a month and a half ago, I talk to her almost every day.

She recently had the wonderful experience of hearing the Lord call her back to the straight and narrow path, and the Lord saw fit right about that time to make us buddies. Don't miss Rachel's post about Chapter Summaries. It's a great way to systematically study the Bible.

Rachel is a voracious reader (she shares my passion for Austen, and for P&P in particular), she's a html whiz who graciously made my template for me when I grumbled about my old one (innocently--I really didn't know she could do that!), and she is a math nerd (there's where we part ways).

She can even make recipes a fascinating read; she's seriously one of the wittiest people I've ever met. No wonder she enjoys Elizabeth Bennet.

Ome more thing: she's an incredible photographer. INCREDIBLE. She got a Nikon recently and devoted a whole blog to its fruit. My favorite pictures are here, here, here, and here.

All that is to say, in the words of Prince Humperdinck, "Love her as I loved her, and there WILL BE JOY." (Please, please tell me you know where that quote comes from...)

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